

Follow.up survey on teaching hospitals in Guangdong province after the evaluation
摘要 目的了解广东省教学医院的评审效果。方法对使用2008年修改版“广东省教学医院评审指标体系”评审并已获得教学医院资格2-3年的18所教学医院进行问卷调查和实地考察,了解其教学条件、教学管理、教学实施情况以及医务人员对教学工作的意见和建议。调查结果采用SPSS13.0软件进行频数分析。结果通过分析得知,被调查的教学医院在评审后总体情况、教学条件、教学管理及教学实施方面均有不同程度的进步。90.O%(54/90)的人认为医院总体规模扩大,而5.0%(3/60)的人认为医院总体规模有明显退步和保持原有水平。认为医院在医疗质量的改善方面有进步和明显进步的人分别占11.6%(7/60)和88.3%(53/60);60.0%(36/60)的人认为医院的教学用房有进步和进步较大,而5.0%(3/60)的人认为明显退步;83.3%(50/60)的人反映教学模具设施有进步和进步较大,而10.0%(6/60)的人反映退步和明显退步;95.0%(57/60)的被调查者认为教学医院的教学管理制度有进步和进步大。在取得进步的同时也发现教学工作存在缺乏激励和支撑,出现教学管理松散的现象。结论广东省教学医院的教学工作基本能持之以恒,实现了预期目的。 Objective To investigate the effect of the evaluation on teaching hospitals affiliat- ed to medical colleges in Guangdong province. Methods Questionnaire and on on-the-spot investi- gation was conducted among 18 teaching hospitals which owned the accreditation for 2-3 years based on Guangdong provincial teaching hospital accreditation indicator system 2008 modified version. Contents of investigation included general situation, teaching condition, management and implementa- tion of teaching activities as well as medical staffs' comments and suggestions for the teaching work. SPSS 13.0 software was used for frequency analysis. Results The general situation,teaching condi- tion, management and implementation of teaching activities were improved to varying degrees after the evaluation according to results of the questionnaire. 90.0% (54/90) people thought that the overall scale of the hospital was expanded and 5.0%(3/60) people thought that the overall scale of the hos- pital was obviously reduced or marinated the original level. 11.6%(7/60) and 88.3% (53/60) people thought that medical quality of the hospital was improved or obviously improved. 60.0%(36/60) people thought that educational occupancy of the hospital was improved while 5.0% (3/60) people thought that it was unsatisfactory. 83.3%(50/60) people thought that teaching mold and infrastructures were
出处 《中华医学教育探索杂志》 2013年第8期850-854,共5页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research
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