
抵押权的功能与实现──以抵押物的处分为视角 被引量:2

Realization of the Function of Mortgage——From the Standpoint of Mortgagee's Disposition Right
摘要 抵押制度是市场经济顺利发展的不可或缺的法律制度。抵押权在形成与发展过程中逐渐被赋予了债权保全与融资两个主要功能。对抵押物的处分,关系到抵押功能的实现。设计优良的抵押物处分制度,对促进市场主体的融资,市场经济的繁荣,均具有重大的现实意义。我国《物权法》第191条规定,抵押期间,抵押人经抵押权人同意转让抵押财产的,应当将转让所得的价款向抵押权人提前清偿债务或者提存。转让的价款超过债权数额的部分归抵押人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。抵押期间,抵押人未经抵押权人同意,不得转让抵押财产,但受让人代为清偿债务消灭抵押权的除外。这体现了我国立法对抵押物转让的规定由严格限制转变为逐渐宽松,这种转变既有利于保护债权人的合法权益,又起到了债权保全功能,同时还保障了抵押人的合理处分权利,实现了抵押权的融资功能。 The mechanism of mortgage is a necessity for the healthy development of the market economy. The right to mortgage has two main functions, namely to guarantee the debit and to raise funds. The mortgagee' s disposition right is of great importance to the realization of these two functions. A well developed mechanism of mortgagee' s disposition right will not only give enterprises more access to funds, but also promote the prosperity of the economic market. Article 191 of the China' s Property Law provides that "In case a mortgagor transfers the property under mortgage during the mortgage term upon consent of the mortgagee, the mortgagor shall pay off its debts to the mortgagee with the money incurred from the transfer in advance or submit the said money to a competent authority for keeping. The value exceeding the obligee's rights shall belong to the mortgagor, and the gap shall be paid off by the obligor. A mortgagor shall not transfer the property under mortgage during the mortgage term without the mortgagee's consent, unless the transferee pays off the debts on its behalf so as to eliminate the right to mortgage." This provision reflects that the restrictions on the transfer of the mortgaged property have been relaxed. This kind of change is benefitial to the legal right of creditor and at the same time guarantees the mortgagee' s disposition right, thus realizes the funds-raising function of mortgage.
作者 姚其昕
机构地区 山东大学法学院
出处 《西昌学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第3期81-85,共5页 Journal of Xichang University:Social Science Edition
关键词 抵押权 抵押物处分 抵押功能 Right to Mortgage Disposition Right Functions of Mortgage
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