Objective The contrast observation on the eye axis length cheange between 3-7 years odl children after congenitial cataract surgery with Ⅱ stage intraoular lens implantation and heathy (normal)peers children. Methods To retrospectively collect 26cases (42eyes) of the 3-7 years odl children who accept congenital cataract treatwent with Ⅱ period artificial lens implanted from Oc-tober 2005to October 2012 in our line To record the shalft length of the eyes a when the Ⅱ stage intraocular lens is implanted in the eye as a research group and the contrast group is to collect 28 cases of 3-7 years old Children with traumatic cataract fron october 2003 to october 2012 and then have a contrast observation for their eye axis length. Results The eye axis length of the 3-7 yeara old children after the congenital cataract surgery with Ⅱ stage intraocular lens implanted grows more fast than the same age norml children;The coonparison has an obvious difterence (P 〈0.05). Con-clusions The eye axis length q of the 3-7 years old children without implanting Ⅱ stage intraocular lens in the early congenital cataract surgery obriously grows more fast than same age normal chil-dren. And then it guides us to implant the intraocular lens for the congenital cataract children as ear-ly as possible to prevent and reduce the series of pwblem that is caysed due to the abnormal growth of the eye axis.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology