Objective Retrospective study the treatment reasons and diagnosis process of patients with keratoconus. Methods The basic information, treatment reasons and diagnosis process of 74 pa-tients with keratoconus were investigated. Results There were 55 males and 19 females. The treat-ment age was an average of (20.5 ± 4.3 ) years old (range from 12 to 42 years). It was divided in-to four groups based on corneal topography: suspicious group (18 patients, 24%); mild group (29 pa-tients, 39%); moderate group (14 patients, 19%); severe group (13 patients, 18%). Nine categories treatment reasons were divided. Twenty-seven patients (36%) had an abnormal spectacle corrected vi-sion. Twelve patients (16%) had high astigmatism in the first diagnosed optometry or increased astig-matism quickly in the short term. Nine patients (12%) wearing glasses were monocular depending on the material ghosting. Eight patients (11%) had a rapid growth of myopia diopter. Five patients (7%) were found preoperative examination of the excimer laser corneal refractive surgery. Five pa-tients (7%) were revealed before the rigid contact lens fitting examination. Three patients (4%) had not a spectacle corrected vision postoperative myopic itching and other discomfort. Two patients (3%) had excimer surgery. Three spectacle (4%) felt eye a bad vision gradually after corneal transplanta-tion. There were 63 cases (85%) first diagnosed based on routine eye examination and 11 cases (15%) misdiagnosed with multiple inspections. Conclusions Keratoconus most appear in male pa-tients around 20 years old and mild patients are slightly more. The main reason for treatment is de-creased vision but can not be corrected to normal by glasses or ghosting, astigmatism, myopia diop-ter increased too fast. We should assess comprehensively, alert to the occurrence of misdiagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
Clinic reason
Corneal topography