Premiere Pro CS3是Adobe公司开发的一款功能强大的影视作品编辑软件,但在字幕制作上有一个明显的不足。即使是汉化版的Premiere Pro CS3,字幕设计器中的字符面板也不能以中文显示中文字体名称与中文字体样式。本文就是针对该问题,分析阐述了三种显示中文字体名称与中文字体样式的方法。
Premiere Pro CS3 developed by Adobe Corporation is a powerful video editing software works,but there is an obvious deficiency in subtitling.Even in Chinese version of Premiere Pro CS3,Chinese font name and Chinese font style on the character panel of subtitle Designer can not be displayed in Chinese.This paper analyzes three methods of displaying Chinese font names and Chinese font styles.
Journal of Pingxiang College