
基于忆阻细胞自动机的图像像素值置换加密技术 被引量:2

Pixel Value Replacement Method to Encryption Image Based on Memrisitive Cellular Automata
摘要 忆阻细胞自动机是一种全新的细胞自动机,它的响应会引起细胞状态和细胞间链接状态的变化。在分析了忆阻细胞自动机中的细胞间链接状态丰富变化的基础上,设计了一种全新的图像加密算法:以一个W×H的忆阻自动机阵列为公钥,以细胞的初始状态和细胞迭代次数为私钥,将细胞与相邻细胞间的一组链接状态加权后设置成加密矩阵,同时采用像素置换方法对数字图像进行加密。这种加密算法具有较好的混乱特性、扩散特性和良好的保密性、抗蛮力破解特性,能够满足数字图像加密的安全性要求。 Memrisitive cellular automata is a kind of new cellular automata, and its operation can produce transformation of cells state and make its links changed. We analyzed the varied change of cellular automata and the links between the cells, then we designed a new encryption algorithm: use a W×H cells automata arrays as Public-Key, the initial states and respond time as Private-Key,get the links between the cells as a encryption matrix. Meanwhile, we used the pixel value replacement method to encrypt a image. This algorithm has the advantage of confusion and diffusion properties, besides,it owes its advantage in fine security, large key space and diffusion. The algorithm analyzes turn out that this method is of high encryption efficiency and security, which could just meet the digital image demands on security.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期133-135,168,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(60972155 61101233) 教育部"春晖计划"科研项目(z2011148) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(XDJK2012A007 XDJK2010C02) 重庆市高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划(渝教人〔2011〕65号) 重庆市高等学校优秀人才支持计划(渝教人〔2011〕65号) 留学人员科技活动项目择优资助经费(国家级优秀类 渝人社办〔2012〕186号)资助
关键词 忆阻细胞自动机 图像加密 像素替换 Memristive cellular automata, Image encryption,Pixel value replacement
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