Public Service Motivation (PSM) is one of the most popular concepts in modem public management. Employing high PSM persons becomes an important issue in the public sector, because higher PSM is hypothesized to be associated with higher performance. However, how to motivate individuals with high PSM is an unswered question. The core of this question is the interaction of PSM and extrinsic motivators in predicting performance. There are different findings according to the role of extrinsic motivators in PSM - per- formance relationship.. Frey's ( 1997, 2001 ) Motivation Crowding Theory was used to integrate these findings. The main purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis derived from former studies on the extrinsic - PSM - performance relationship from the perspective of the public investment game experiment paradgim. This study used a 12 - item scale for measuring PSM and a 2 ( extrinsic motivator types : monetary vs honor) x 2 ( sex : male vs fe- male) x 3 (PSM level: Low, Medium, and High) repeated measure design, with the amount of public investments in 3 stages as the repeated dependent variables. This game was adapted from Chen's (2009) public investment dilemma, and it asked participants to do- nate to a public project with 20 initial capitals. The donation will bring public good and capital increment, and will bring individual profits or losses.. There are three stages: the first for free donation, the second for rewarding donation, the third for free donation after the reward was canceled. Each stage has six trial for participants to donate. Results of this study are as follows. 1 ) PSM significantly predicted the public investment amount of the third stage and the total a- mount of public investment. 2) Variables, such as the extrinsic motivator types, the setup or cancellation of these motivators, the gen- der of participants, and the PSM level, significantly influenced the public investment. 3 ) The setup of monetary reward did not enhance public donat
Journal of Psychological Science
public service motivation
motivate, crowding in, crowding out, public investment game