Summary: The Dong Ji Bing knife means wooden handle mounted at the back of the knife was the earliest appeared in the middle of Shang dynasty. The late Shang dynasty had a larger development, Western Zhou dynasty gradually declined. It was the important varieties of the Shang and Zhou bronze weapons that unearthed Anyang City, Henan and Shanxi province in northern China. This study thought that the special back external style and fasten handle way of this knife is the most basic features. In accordance with this feature, Then referring to the blade shape, It can be divided into three types: " the wooden handle grip knife ridge type ", " the wooden handle wear into the hole on the back of a knife type", "the wooden handle grip and wear into the hole on the back of a knife type", then can be subdivided into a certain kind of "style", such as "Thin knife back is no Block-shaped bulges ", " knife tip tilt, Multiple hole on the back and more straight blade ", From the point of view of the history of technology, the study also thought that Dong Ji Bing knife gradually developed and evolved under the influence of the local and surrounding archaeological culture and the technical factors, such as the back of stone knife has block-shaped bulges, the back of Bronze knife has Block-shaped bulges, bronze knife has handle holes
Cultural Relics of Central China
Dong Ji Bing bronze knife
technological origin