目的识别、分析某石油专用管企业存在的职业病危害因素种类及危害程度,评价其采取的职业病危害防护措施,为企业控制作业场所职业病危害因素,保护劳动者健康和改进职业卫生管理提供科学依据。方法采用调查表法、现场调查法和职业病危害因素采样检测法对作业场所存在的职业病危害因素进行识别、检测和分析。结果该企业存在的主要职业病危害因素为粉尘、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、铬、噪声、高温、紫外辐射和X射线。经检测,1个电焊岗位的电焊烟尘浓度超标,其他化学性有害因素的浓度均低于职业接触限值;40个岗位的噪声检测结果中有23个岗位噪声强度超标,超标率为57.5%,其中超过90 dB(A)的岗位达11个。结论该企业噪声危害较为严重,职业卫生防护设施和职业卫生管理仍需改进。因此,结合该企业现有情况提出有针对性的改进措施,以指导企业职业卫生管理工作。
[ Objective] To analyze and identify the occupational hazards and its degree in a petroleum special pipe enterprise, to e- valuate the occupational hazards control measures, and provide the scientific basis for controlling occupational hazards, protecting laborers' health and improving occupational health management. [ Methods] The questionnaire method, field investigation and oc- cupational detection were applied for identification, detection and analysis of occupational hazards in work place. [ Results ] The main occupational hazards in this enterprise were dust, benzene, methylbenzene, dimethylbenzene, chromium, noise, high temper- ature,ultraviolet radiation and X-ray. Testing indicated one workplace' s welding fume concentration exceeded standard, other chemical hazards' concentrations in workplace within the occupational exposure limits; noise intensity at 23 out of 40 detection posts was over standard (57.7% }, among which the intensity of 11 detection posts was over 90 dB ( A }. [ Conclusion ] ] The noise hazard is serious in this enterprise, the occupational hazards prevention facilities and occupational health management need to be improved. Therefore, according to the enterprise' s conditions, the improving measures were put forward so as to guide the occupa- tional health management.
Occupation and Health
Occupational hazards
Petroleum special pipe
Protective measures