
乌克兰政治变迁初探 被引量:3

Ukraine's political change
摘要 本文通过对20多年乌克兰政治变迁的梳理,将乌克兰政治变迁划分为制度构建阶段、摸索阶段和完善阶段。本文认为,从制度层面上看,宪政制度本身存在的缺陷是导致民主转型困难的客观条件;从操作层面上看,精英行为失范是导致民主化进程混乱的主要原因;从历史文化层面上看,政治文化的现代化是影响民主固化的关键性因素。 Based on combing of twenty years of its political changes,Ukrainian political change can be divided into system construction phase,exploratory stage and complete stage.This paper argues that,on the system level,the inherent shortcomings in the constitutional system is causing difficulties in the objective conditions of democratic transition.On the operating level,the elite's misconduct is the main reason caused confusion in the democratization process.The modernization of the political culture is a key factor affecting the democratic solidarity in terms of a history and culture.
作者 张弘
出处 《俄罗斯东欧中亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期9-16,95,共8页 Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies
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