
创业导向、IT能力与技术创新关系研究:多元化程度的影响 被引量:8

Relationship among Entrepreneurial Orientation,IT capability and Technological Innovation: The Role of Diversification Degree
摘要 本文以珠三角地区的285家制造企业为研究对象,探究了不同多元化程度企业的创业导向、IT能力与技术创新的关系,其中IT能力为中介变量,创业导向被划分为创新与先动性、风险承担性两个维度。研究结果表明,创新与先动性、风险承担性对企业技术创新都有显著促进作用,IT能力对技术创新有显著促进作用;创新与先动性对IT能力有显著正向影响,而风险承担性对IT能力的影响不显著,于是IT能力只在创新与先动性和技术创新的关系中起着中介作用。但是,企业多元化程度不同,IT能力的中介作用也不同。在相对低度多元化企业中,IT能力在创新与先动性和技术创新的关系中起部分中介作用;而在相对高度多元化企业中,IT能力则起完全中介作用。 As entrepreneurial activities have a huge effect on technological progress and economic growth, en- trepreneurship research has become popular, among which entrepreneurial orientation is a hot. In recent years, people have paid more and more attention to technological innovation, the role of entrepreneurial orientation driving technological innovation began to receive academic attention. Based on the complementary assets theory, the suc- cess of technology commercialization must depend on the support of a range of complementary assets, the existing literature also shows that the complementary assets will affect the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and technological innovation. Although the complementary assets affecting the relationship between the two have been numerously researched, but existing studies still neglected an important asset: IT capability. From the re- source perspective, some literatures suggested that IT capability was a proprietary complementary asset. Mean- while, the enterprise life cycle theory suggests that a enterprise with different degree of diversification may require different needs different entrepreneurial orientation. In different enterprise with different degree of diversification, the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on technological innovation may differ. But existing studies have neglected the effect of diversification on the relationship between the two. This paper views IT capability as a proprietary comple- mentary asset, and try to explore the relationship among entrepreneurial orientation, IT capability and technological innovation, and to study the role of diversification on these relations. Data for this study comes from 285 manufacturing enterprises in the Pearl River Delta, based on these data, the theoretical assumptions of the relationship among entrepreneurial orientation, IT capability and technological in- novation in different degree of diversification enterprises are tested, during which IT capability was the mediating variable, and ent
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期57-67,共11页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十二五"规划项目"IT能力与组织创新关系研究:组织学习的影响机制--基于珠三角制造企业的实证分析"(GD11XGL22) 广东省科技厅项目"高新技术企业知识共享系统平台开发与管理研究"(2012B091100280) 广州市哲学社会科学"十二五"规划项目"基于IT能力的广州制造业竞争优势提升路径研究--以战略性新兴产业为例"(2012YB05)
关键词 创业导向 技术创新 IT能力 创新与先动性 风险承担性 entrepreneurial orientation technological innovation IT capability innovativeness and proac- tiveness risk-taking
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