
一种高效率蓄电池放电调节器的优化设计与损耗分析 被引量:5

Parameter Design and Power Loss Analysis of a High Efficiency Battery Discharge Regulator
摘要 非隔离型Weinberg变换器(NIWC)作为太阳电池阵-蓄电池联合供电系统中的蓄电池放电调节器(BDR),具有效率高、输入输出电流连续和易于并联使用等优点,因而适用于卫星上的功率调节装置(Power Conditioning Unit,PCU)。本文介绍了考虑杂散参数时该拓扑的稳态和瞬态工作原理。根据参数指标的要求,提出了一套关于主电路参数设计以及损耗分析的方法,并分析了影响效率的主要因素。最后制作600W实验样机,验证电路功能并进行热分析,证明NIWC的优势以及主电路参数优化设计与损耗分析的正确性。 Non-isolated Weinberg converter (NIWC) is competitive for battery discharge regulator (BDR) which plays an important role in power conditioning unit as a result of the merits of high efficiency, continuous input and output current and convenience to parallel. Considering the stray inductance and stray capacitance, the principle of non-isolated Weinberg converter operation is analyzed. Based on the parameter indexes, a method which is used to design the parameters of main circuit and analyze the power loss is proposed, and the main factors concerned with the efficiency is concluded. An experimental prototype is produced to verify that the analysis coincides with experiment results.
出处 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期224-232,共9页 Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society
关键词 非隔离型Weinberg变换器 蓄电池放电调节器 参数设计 损耗分析 热分析 NIWC, BDR, parameter designation, power loss analysis, thermal analysis
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