锈色粒肩天牛是我国森林植物检疫一类重要的钻蛀性害虫 ,幼虫蛀入木质部后 ,一切防治手段较难奏效 ,准确掌握卵期预报是防治成败的关键。通过 1 997~ 1 999年恒温、变温饲养测定 ,2种方法统计计算 ,卵的发育起点温度C =1 2 2 9± 3 1 0或C =1 2 2 6± 0 81或C =1 2 0 2± 1 57;有效积温K =1 64 63± 3 2 1 2或K =1 74 67± 9 0 2或K =1 75 52± 1 6 3 0 ,理论表达式为Y =1 2 2 9± 1 64 4 2X、r =0 .983 1 >r0 .0 1=0 .60 55或Y =1 2 2 6± 1 74 67X、r =0 .991 0 >r0 .0 1=0 .683 5或Y =1 2 0 2± 1 75 52X、r =0 .93 3 4 >r0 .0 1=0 4 487,其预测式N =1 64 .4 2± 3 2 .1 2T -( 1 2 .2 9± 3 .1 0 ) 或N =1 74 .67± 9.0 2T -( 1 2 .2 6± 0 .81 ) 或N =1 75.52± 1 6.3 0T -( 1 2 .0 2± 1 .57) 。其中以变温饲养更趋简便、实用 ;以变温加权法计算更趋合理。
Apriona swainsoni\%(Hope), eating branch and stem of trees, is one of the most serious forest plant quarantine pests in China. Study results showed that once the larvae bored into xylem of trees, it was very difficult to control them by any preventive measure. So it is very important to forecast accurately ovipositing occurrence time of \%Apriona swainsoni\% (Hope). Based on the results observed and measured by feeding in condition of variable and constant temperature during 1997~1999,initial temperature for egg development(\%C)\%, effective accumulated temperature(\%K)\% and theoretical equations (\%Y\% and \%N\%) were found and put forward. They were respectively C =12 29±3 10 or C =12 26±0 81 or C =12 02±1 57; K =164 63±32 12 or K =174 67±9 02 or K =175 52±16 30, Y=12 29±164 42X, r=0.9831>r\-\{0.01\}=0.6055\% or \%Y=12 26±174 67X, r=0.9910>r\-\{0.01\}=0.6835\% or \%Y=12 02±175 52X, r=0.9334>r\-\{0.01\}=0 4487\%. Prediction formulation: \%N=164.42±32.12T-(12.29±3.10)\% or \%N=174.67±9.02T-(12.26±0.81)\% or \%N=175.52±16.30T-(12.02±1.57)\%. It was more simple and practical to feed them in condition of variable temperature. It will be more rationalization and accuracy using the method of weighted variable temperature.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae
Apriona swainsoni\%, \%Sophora japonica\%, Ovipositing occurrance time, Forecast