
中亚土库曼斯坦绿洲土壤盐渍化动态演变评估 被引量:5

Assessment of dynamic evolution on soil salinization of an oasis in Turkmenistan of Central Asia
摘要 针对土库曼斯坦广泛存在的土壤盐渍化问题,选取达绍古兹州典型盐渍地为研究区,利用1990年、2000年和2010年的Landsat TM、ETM遥感影像,获取盐分指数(SI)和反照率(Albedo)构建SI-Albedo特征空间,利用土壤盐渍化遥感监测指数(SMI),计算并划分研究区盐渍化等级。结果表明:(1)利用SMI指数对区域土壤盐渍化状况进行统计及定量分析,有利于大尺度范围的土壤盐渍化动态监测;(2)1990-2010年间研究区盐渍化程度持续加重,其中,重度盐渍地增加1103.9 km^2,增长了5.28%;中度盐渍地增加1716.184km^2,增长8.21%;(3)地形及气候等自然因素对研究区土壤盐渍化过程有较大影响,盲目的垦荒、不合理灌溉等人为因素更加剧了研究区盐渍化的形成,使得盐渍化现象更加严重,导致盐渍地面积的不断扩大。 As the pivot to connect Asia and Europe, Central Asia is strategically important region of the world. It is adjacent to Xinjiang, China. And they are very similar on climate, physical geography, environment and biological resources and other aspects. Therefore, it is favorable for Xinjiang to further expand exchanges and cooperation Central Asia in science and technology. Turkmenistan has typical temperate continental climate which is the second largest country in Asia. In recent decades, human activities especially agricultural industrialization caused great damage on soil structure and resulted in soil salinization. The proportion of salinized soil reached 76% in Turkmeni- stan in 2006. It is, therefore, necessary and important to study soil salinization in arid regions for solving this prob- lem. Remote sensing (RS) technology demonstrates a number of advantages (such as Macro, comprehensive, fast, dynamic, accurate etc.) in this field which could have important practical significance on the rational use of water and land resources. The state of Dashognz was selected for this study because of its serious salinization as a handi- capping site for agricultural development. Three sets of Landsat TM/ETM image of 1990, 2000 and 2010 were used and analysis of typical soil information, to extract Salinization Index ( SI ) and land surface Albedo , which are very important biophysical parameters of land surface. In this paper the relationship between salinization index ( SI ) and Albedo was analyzed quantitatively to building SI-Albedo feature space. Four salinization levels were classified and analyzed using Salinization Monitoring Index ( SMI ). The results were as follows : ( 1 ) the statistic and quantita- tive analysis using Salinization Monitoring Index were conducive to large-scale range of dynamic monitoring of re- gional soil salinization. (2) The degree of salinization was continually increased in study area. And the severely sali- nization soil was increased by 5.28% while mode
出处 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期571-578,共8页 Arid Land Geography
基金 国家国际科技合作项目(2010DFA92720-12)
关键词 中亚 干旱区 特征空间 土壤盐渍化遥感监测指数 Central Asia arid area characteristic space Salinization Monitoring Index
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