对火炬松 30个自由授粉家系 8个年度 (1~ 2 ,4~ 8,1 3年生 )的生长数据进行相关分析 ,结果表明 ,2 ,4~ 8年生生长量与 1 3年生生长量存在着显著或极显著的表型相关 ,年度性状间的遗传相关系数均大于相应的表型相关系数。早期选择可在 4年生依家系的胸径生长量进行 ,或在 2年生依家系的树高生长量作低强度选优 。
Growth data in 8 years (at the age 1,2,4,5,6,7,8 and 13) from 30 open pollinated families of loblolly pine were analyzed. The results show that phenotypic correlations of growth traits between the age 2 and age 13, age 4 to 8 and age 13 were significant or extremely significant. Genotypic correlation coefficients between ages for growth traits were all large than the corresponding phenotypic correlation coefficients. Early selection can be carried out at the age of 4 years according to the diameter at breast height (DBH). It may be scheduled forward to the age of 2 years with low intention selection, according to the height growth, in order to guide the seed collection of superior clones from the primary seed orchard, or guide the clone reselection to establish a improved seed orchard.\;
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province
联合国开发计划署援助的CPR/91/15 3项目
loblolly pine, open pollinated family, early late correlation, early selection(1 Forestry College, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, 510642
2 Yingde Loblolly Pine Seed Orchard)