随着国民经济的发展 ,许多重大工程如机场建设、各类高层建筑、城市规划以及防震减灾等都需要对地下地质构造有一个清楚的认识。地震勘探在这一领域中发挥了重要的作用。怎样提高地震勘探精度 ,不仅与我们分析、处理资料的技术有关 ,而且还与野外地震数据采集中地震参数的选取密切相关。
With the development of national economy,many important engineering,such as airport,high building,require us a good understanding to the underground geological tectonics in city planning to reduce the damage of earthquake.Seismic prospecting plays an important role in this field.How to increase the precision for seismic prospecting is a problem need to resolve.It is not only relevant to the method we used to process data,but also relevant to the selection of seismic parameters in field collection of seismic data.
North China Earthquake Sciences