根据大量野外调查资料和前人研究基础 ,运用现代自然地理系统研究方法 ,研究了黑河绿洲土地资源的开发利用现状 ;提出了土地资源优化配置的五条原则 ;并根据水、土、光、热等资源组合特点 ,将黑河流域划分为四大土地开发利用区 :①上游祁连山区以保护、抚育水源涵养林为重点 ,以水养林 ,合理开发利用天然草场资源 ,提高畜牧业经济效益。②高位绿洲区 ,充分利用光、热优势 ,发挥现有土地潜力 ,以大宗粮食及油料生产为主 ,粗放畜牧业与精细畜牧业结合。③中位绿洲区以发展节水、节地、节粮农牧业为主 ,扩大经济作物和饲料 /草种植 ,发展舍饲畜牧业。④下游低位绿洲以生态环境保护与恢复为重点。总之 ,抚育、保护上游 ,调整、发展中游 ,恢复。
In this paper, systematic methods of modern physical geography are employed for studying some issues of land resources optimum disposition in the Heihe River Basin in accordance with a lot of materials of the field survey and the base of former study. The land resources involve following characteristics, i.e., there are rich land resources and various land types, oasis areas are surrounded by vast deserts, the qualitative differences among different kinds of lands are great, there are vast areas of land hard to use and of low-and medium-yield farmlands, the spatial combination of water and land resources is malposition, and eco-environment is fragile. The general principles of land use are put forward, that is, adjusting agricultural structure and extending the proportion of animal husbandry; energetically and rationally arranging crops in light of local advantages of light, heat, water and soil; overall planning the whole basin and giving full play to land potentialities; coordinating the benefits of economy, ecology and society, and protecting the environment. The lands in the drainage area are divided into following four regions according to the combination feature of agricultural resources: (1) In the Qilian Mountains, which is the upper reaches of the Heihe River, it is highly important to protect forest and conserve water through afforestation, and rationally exploit grasslands. Extensive animal husbandry in the mountains would combine with intensive animal husbandry in the oasis areas, so as to improve the benefits. (2) In the upper cool oasis, which is 1 700~2 600 m above sea level on the diluvial fan, the land product potentialities need to be further brought into full play. The light and heat conditions are suitable to plant spring wheat, potato, bean, rapeseed, garlic and fruit tree, and to develop intensive animal husbandry mainly. (3) In the middle oasis, which lies on middle and lower diluvial fan and alluvial plain, and is 1 100~1 700 m above sea level, it is appropriate to develop water saving and
Journal of Desert Research