根据青海省航磁(ΔT)化极上延60km 异常等值线图,推断出青海省内深部大致由四大地质块体和四条深大断裂夹—特提斯构造带(物质来源于深部或沉积盖层)组合拼接而成,各地质块体之间为深部断裂或缝合带相隔。
Based on the aeromagnetic anomaly isopleth map up to 60 km in Qinghai. province,4 major geological massives,4 great deep faults and a Tethyan tectonic belt (the filling materals come from the depths and sedimentary cover) have been inferred in the depths of Qinghai province.These geological massives were put together by deep faults of suture belts.