

New Methodology of Studying Ancient Documents and Interpretation of its Modernity——A Review of The Research on Jiaoshiyilin
摘要 秦汉时期的典籍散佚严重,如何利用匮乏的文献史料进行客观全面的理论分析与论证,是目前学术研究面临的一大问题。以《焦氏易林》一书为例,其涉及的内容广泛,包罗全面,囊括了汉代经学、史学、文学、社会、宗教等多个方面,由于可供参考利用的史料比较匮乏,直接影响了对其进行传统的文献学研究。李昊《〈焦氏易林〉研究》一书另辟蹊径,在钩沉、疏通训释有限的史料基础上加以陈述、论证,综合了经学、宗教、语言学、文献学等各学科知识,对《焦氏易林》一书做了全新全面的文化学阐释,显示了其开阔的视野、翔实的材料、审慎的考辨;同时,其论证也达到了相当的深度,不仅是一部难得的《焦氏易林》研究力作,同时,更重要的在于作者开辟了一种古文献研究的新视角,为史料匮乏的中古文献研究提供了可行的现代性解读方法。 Many of the ancient books and records in Qin and Han dynasties have been found missing, so one of the difficulties in academic research at present is how to make an objective and overall analysis and demonstration on the basis of such scarce documents and historical materials. Take Jiaoshiyilin for example, which covers a wide- ranging topics, including the study of Confusion classics in Han dynasty, historiography and literature and other as- pects. In literature, for example, the poems of Han dynasty ( each line consisting of four words), and in religions, beliefs like divination and prophecy are all covered in the book. Due to the paucity of historical references which can be drawn upon,traditional philological study of this book is made difficult. The Research on Jiaoshiyilin by Li Hao broke new ground, by making statement and demonstration on the basis of explaining the limited historical materials, classified all kinds of discipline knowledge, such as the study of Confusion classics, religions,linguistics and philology and so on. The Research on Jiaoshiyilin made a comprehensive culturology interpretation on Jiaoshiyilin, which demonstrates a broad horizon, and prudent research supported by detailed materials. Besides, its argument has fairly profundity. The Research is a precious research achievement about Jiaoshiyilin, but more importantly, the author gave a new perspective to the study of ancient documents and provided a feasible modern methodology of understanding ancient documents.
作者 丁红旗
出处 《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第5期105-109,共5页 Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 焦延寿 《焦氏易林》 《〈焦氏易林〉研究》 秦汉典籍 汉代经学 Jiao Yanshou Jiaoshiyilin The Research on Jiaoshiyilin ancient books and records in Qin and Han dynasties the study of Confusion classics in Han dynasty
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