

Study of Magnetic Dynamic Properties for Decentered Fe Nanorings
摘要 利用Monte Carlo(蒙特卡洛)方法结合快速傅里叶变换,模拟不同形状的偏心铁纳米环的磁特性.研究结果表明:偏心铁纳米环的磁滞回线与对称系统的磁滞回线类似,均具有双稳态,即存在明显的"vortex"态(涡旋态)与"onion"态(洋葱态).模拟结果还表明,相较于对称纳米环,偏心铁纳米环系统具有更为复杂的过渡状态.这说明形状和结构的不对称性对铁磁纳米环的磁化行为有一定的影响.这一结果对实验研究及磁性纳米环的实际应用具有很好的指导和参考意义. Base on the Monte-Carlo simulation and fast Fourier transformation micro-magnetism method, the effects of different shapes on decentered Fe nanorings (d-Fe-n) are studied. It is found that the magnetic hysteresis loops of both d-Fe-n and symmetric Fe-n are similar. The systems show bistable states, which means vortex-type and onion-type. However, there exists more com- plex transition state in d-Fe-n. The simulated results illustrate that the asymmetry of shape and structure has some impact on magnetic properties for Fe-n. The simulated results may have guiding significance for the experiment and the application of magnetic nanorings.
出处 《福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期36-40,共5页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11004039 11004031) 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2012J01003) 福建省教育厅资助项目(JB11024) 福建省大学生创新实验计划项目(cxxl-078 cxxl-2013032)
关键词 MONTE CARLO方法 偏心铁纳米环 磁滞回线 自旋组态 Monte-Carlo simulation decentered Fe nanorings hysteresis loop spin config-uration
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