
两大类形式化方略 被引量:3

摘要 阐述机器翻译的两大类形式化方略。其中,第一大类形式化方略涉及:编程语言和英语(自然语言);第二大类形式化方略涉及:二进制数与十进制数、十进制数与汉字中文、中文和英文(可换)三类双语协同变换,属于形式化及其拓展研究领域。其结果是:凸显了第二大类形式化方略。其意义是:揭示了其理论依据,并为含语言学在内的学科知识系统工程提供了广义双语信息处理技术,有利于母语为非英语的计算机用户改善人机对话的语言环境。 This article aims at explaining the two major categories of formal strategy for machine translation. Among them, the first category of formal strategy involves the programming languages and the English ( natural language ), while the second category of formal strategy involves the binary and decimal, the decimal numbers and the Chinese characters, the Chinese and the English (alterable) , they are three types of bilingual co-transformation belonging to formalisation and its expanded research field. The result is that the second category of formal strategy is highlighted. Its significance lies in the revealment of its theoretical basis and providing the generalised bilingual information processing technology for knowledge systems engineering of disciplines including linguistics, and that is helpful to non-English speaking computer users for improving the language environment of man-machine dialogue.
出处 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期194-199,共6页 Computer Applications and Software
基金 中国地质大学(北京)与伯克利大学(加州)中美双语信息处理项目(Sino-US GBIP20 120218)
关键词 机器翻译 形式化 双语信息处理 Machine translation Formal method Bilingual information processing
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