
Impact of exergames on physical activity and motivation in elementary school students: A follow-up study 被引量:4

摘要 The present study was built upon a previous study on the new generation video game, exergame, in elementary school physical education (PE). The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of exergames on elementary children's in-class physical activity (PA) intensity levels and perceived situational interest over time. The results indicated that students' situational interest dropped dramatically over two semesters, but their PA intensity increased over time. The results showed that boys and girls were equally active in the exergaming lessons, but boys perceived their gaming experiences more enjoyable than girls did. The findings suggest that exergames may be a possible means to enhance PA in PE. However, whether exergaming is a sustainable way to motivate children in PA is questionable. 本研究是基于之前一项关于小学体育课上采用新一代视频游戏(运动电子游戏)的研究。目的是调查运动电子游戏对小学生课内体力活动强度水平的影响和感知情景兴趣的变化。研究结果显示:在两个学期内,学生的情景兴趣骤降,但运动强度逐渐增加。男女生在运动电子游戏课上活跃程度相同,与女生相比,男生认为运动游戏更有趣。这些发现表明:运动电子游戏也许是一种可持续的加强体育课内体力活动的方法,但关于运动电子游戏是否适用于激发学生参与体力活动的积极性仍有待进一步讨论。
作者 Haichun Sun
出处 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2013年第3期138-145,共8页 运动与健康科学(英文)
关键词 Active video game Calorie expenditure GENDER Physical education Situational interest 小学生 体力 视频游戏 调查结果 PA PE 推移 时间
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