目的 :观察家兔后肢主要神经干躯体纤维来源节段性分布规律。方法 :将 18只成年家兔分 3组 ,分别切断坐骨神经、股神经和闭孔神经 ,并以近侧断端涂抹HRP ,对躯体传入和传出纤维来源的节段性分布进行实验研究。结果 :左侧坐骨神经近侧断端涂抹HRP ,同侧脊神经节出现标记细胞L7~S2 ,同侧脊髓灰质腹角出现标记细胞L7~S2 ;股神经按上述方法处理后 ,同侧L5~L7脊神经节、同侧L4 ~L7脊髓腹角出现阳性标记细胞 ;闭孔神经则在同侧L6~L7脊神经节、同侧L5~L7脊髓灰质腹角也出现阳性标记细胞。结论 :3组动物的脊神经节和脊髓灰质中 ,HRP阳性细胞的节段性分布似有一定规律。
Objective:To trace and discover the origin of the somatic fibers within the main nerve trunks in rabbit's posterior limbs and the law of their segmental distribution.Methods:18 adult rabbits were divided into three groups,and the sciatic nerve,femoral nerve and obturator nerve of the animals were severed.The proximal ends were covered with HRP powder and then the distribution of both afferent and efferent somatic fibers was traced.Results:When HRP crystal was smeared on the proximal end of the left sciatic nerve,the labelled cells appeared in both ipsilateral spinal ganglia of L 7~S 2 and ipsilateral ventral horn of L 7~S 2.The labelled neurons were found in both ipsilateral spinal ganglia of L 5~L 7 and ipsilateral ventral horn of L 4~L 7 when the femoral nerve was smeared with HRP.And the labelled neurons were found in both ipsilateral spinal ganglia of L 6~L 7 and ipsilateral ventral horn of L 5~L 7 when the obturator nerve was smeard with HRP.Conclusion:A rule of segmental distribution of HRP positive neurons in both ganglion of spinal nerve and gray matter seemed to exist.