[Purpose i] To investigate clinicopathnlogic features of breast cancer patients with imnmnohistochemisl,7 (IHC) Her-2 uncertain (2+),and to explore the method of predicting the status of Her-2 gene. [Methods] A total of 51 patients with hreast cancer whose Her-2 score was 2+ were included. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was applied to determine the status of Her-2 gene. The clinicopathological characteristics between Her-2 gene amplification group and Her-2 gene non-amplification group were compared and to search the differences be- tween the 2 gronps for predicting Her-2 gene status.[Results] FISH detection showed that of all the 51 patients,25 patients had no Her-2 gene amplification,while 26 patients had. As for age, tumor size,lymph node status,TNM stage and PR status,there was no statistical differenee be- tween the two groups,while statistical difference existed in ER status. ER positive was nega- tively correlated with Her-2 gene amplification. The patients whose ER positive cells proportion was 〉75% were mainly (83.3%. 15/18) from Her-2 gene non-amplification group.while those ER positive cells proportion ≤ 75% was mainly (69.7%,23/33) from Her-2 gene amplification group. [Conclusion ] For hreast cancer patient whose Her-2 score 2+,ER positive cell propor- tion might roughly be used to predict the status of Her-2 gene.
Journal of Chinese Oncology