目的 :通过改进培养基成份及培养条件以达到快速鉴定白色念珠菌之目的。方法 :用人血清、脱脂奶粉、鲜牛奶培养基及玉米琼脂培养基培养白色念珠菌 ,在 37℃水浴培养 30min、60min和 90min。结果 :其芽管和厚膜孢子形成百分率各不相同 ,在牛奶培养基中芽管及厚膜孢子形成率高且迅速 ,与其它方法相比差异显著 (P <0 .0 1) ,特异性亦高。结论 :用牛奶培养基鉴定白色念珠菌简便、快速、特异且培养基易制备。
Objectives:Candida albicans can be appraised quickly by improving culture medium compositions.Methods:Candida albicans were cultured in human serum,defatted milk powder and milk culture medium which were put in 37℃ warm water for 30 min.,60min,and 90min..Results:The results were compared with those of other methods,which indicated that there was a great difference (P<0.01) and the high specifility in the percentage of the stem and the thick membrane spore forming,and the forming rate is high and fast.Conclusion:It is simple,fast and distinctive to appraise candida albicans by using milk culture medium. [
Journal of Henan University(Medical Science)