虽然用户不必为你的计算机在特定时刻使用何种内存而操心 ,但如果计算机有 1MB或更多的内存 ,你应该能分清这些不同类型的内存。这种知识不但对使用MS -DOS ,而且对使用其它程序必定有很大作用。所以 ,正确理解内存的作用、使用方法 ,把握内存管理顺序是减少由内存管理出现的冲突引起计算机故障的关键。
Although users need not worry that computer uses what kind internal memory, but if computer has 1?MB Internal memory or more, users should distinguish different type of internal memory. This is useful to use MS-DOS and other Program. To understand function, using method and management order is key to reduce computer breakdown caused by internal memory management clash.
Taiyuan Science and Technology