
中国近代民营出版业成长的社会生态分析 被引量:3

Social Ecology of the Growth of Private Publishing Industry in Modern China
摘要 中国近代民营出版业起步于文化启蒙与民族诉求的时空大背景中,以商务印书馆和中华书局等的崛起为代表。有别于当时清政府主导的公营出版和教会主办的教会出版,近代民营出版业通过嫁接西方资本主义生产方式,引进西方先进生产工具与设备,翻译国外出版物、整理传统文化、出版大型工具书和新课程教材而得到快速成长,成为民族工商业的重要组成部分。其成功固然与出版企业制度、内部管理、经营者出版理念等内生条件有密切关系,但同样不可忽视中国近代自鸦片战争以来的时局变化、近代市场经济的发育和商业氛围的浓郁、启蒙和新文化运动、新教育改革以及出版法规、同业公会等外在社会生态环境的支撑效应。 This article uses the concept of Social-Ecological System to study systematically the external reasons of the development of the privately-run publishing industry in modern China. From the views of this article, within these few decades, what the industry had completed required its Western counterpart 200 years of history. Besides that it followed the laws of development of industries as its internal conditions, such as institutional building, internal administration, and operational principles, more importantly, it deeply investigated the Social-Ecological System, especially the external environment which supported its development, and this is also the main and creative argumentation in this article. Now China's publishing industry is following the requirements of industrial development, branching into cultural development, and keeping restoring its original characteristics as publishing industry. Hence, having deep knowledge of historical experience, and summarizing successes and failures is crucial for enlarging and strengthening China's press industry. There are mainly four external factors as stated below: Firstly, in modern China, the development of market economy, the strong commercial atmosphere, and the advancement of industrial technology (phototypography) combine to promote the transformation of the traditional publishing into the modern one, helping private publishing entrepreneurs gain a macro environmental support and modern techniques that are indispensable for industrial development. Secondly, the change of China's political situation after the Opium War forced Chinese Intellectuals to turn to Western countries in order to achieve national rejuvenation. Translating and introducing Western books was therefore the early method adopted to enlighten people and respond to their needs. After the collapse of Chinese traditional imperial examination system, the government advocated the New Educational and Library Movement, which became a direct factor contributing to the prosperity of the mo
作者 黄宝忠
机构地区 浙江大学出版社
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期103-121,共19页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 近代中国 民营出版产业 市场经济 社会生态 出版法规 书业同业组织 modern China private publishing industry market economy social ecology publication laws and regulations organizations of book industry
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