
中国法治发展道路与中国法治实践学派 被引量:11

The Road of Chinese Rule of Law Development and China Practical School of Rule of Law
摘要 中国有自己的法治发展道路,这条道路是在对中国几千年历史文化的传承中走出来的,是从对新中国成立以来特别是改革开放三十多年的法治实践的探索中走出来的。中国法治实践是中国法治理论最重要的源泉,中国法治发展道路必将催生中国法治实践学派。中国法治实践学派旨在从学术流派的角度对中国法治发展道路和中国法治理论进行理论概括和学术阐述。它以中国特色社会主义为指导思想,梳理中国法律发展历史,总结当代中国法治发展实践,在国际视野下开拓创新中国法治发展道路,为人类法治建设走出一条新的具有普遍意义的成功之路。 China has formed its own road of the rule of law, which is the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The road of the rule of law in China is the part of the socialism with Chinese characteristics and is guided by it, which is inherited from the historical and traditional culture of China. Chinese culture, contains harmonious culture, pacifism, moderation and temperance attitudes, not only affects the law and the rule of law in China, but also determines its development of the road of the rule by law. Chinese legal development path, in a sense, represents the direction of the development of the rule of law of humans, which was formed in the exploration of the rule of law after the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up. Chinese legal development path is fully reflected in the Property Law, Land Law, Financial Law and other legal regimes, which fully exemplifies the distinctive characteristic socialism of China. And the Chinese legal development path was formed in the exploration of the practice of the rule of law in China, such as the practice of legislative, executive, judicial reform,the index of the rule carried out in the re appearance of practice of th theory is the rule o Chine ideo o of la cent w, the transparency index of judici years. The formation of Chinese d distinctive theory of the rule of law al, and the index of e-government evelopment road will promote and the Chinese legal practice school. e rule of law is the theory source of Ch description of Chinese practice of rule of f law is to o se rule of law gy, sums up ffer an academic elaboration and th the The inese legal theory, and the Chinese legal law. The aim of China practical school of eoretical generalization about the road of development. It takes the socialism with Chinese characteristics as the guiding the Chinese legal history and practice of rule of law, legal development path in the international perspective, and brings significant success of the rule of law for human beings.
作者 邱本 徐博峰
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期33-44,共12页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(11JJD820013)
关键词 中国法治实践学派 法治发展 法治实践 China practical school of rule of law development of the rule of law practice of the rule of law
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