
2006—2011年河南省新蔡县HIV/AIDS流行病学特征与趋势分析 被引量:4

Epidemiological characteristics and trend analysis of HIV /AIDS from 2006 to 2011 in Xincai County of Henan Province
摘要 目的了解和掌握河南省新蔡县新发现HIV/AIDS流行病学特征和流行趋势,为制定艾滋病防治策略提供科学依据。方法对2006—2011年发现的HIV/AIDS监测、检测资料进行统计分析。结果 2006—2011年全县发现HIV感染者及AIDS病人531例,其中HIV感染者118例,AIDS病人413例。传播途径以输入血液/血制品为主,占43.13%;其次为异性性传播(其中婚内性传播131例,婚外性传播38例),占31.83%;有偿采供血传播占12.24%;母婴传播占5.08%;同性传播占0.75%;静脉吸毒占0.38%;其他及不详占6.59%。结论当前新蔡县预防与控制艾滋病的重点是应加强对1995年以前输入血液/血制品人群的专题调查,及时发现病例,并加强对单阳配偶、阳性育龄妇女、丧偶阳性者的干预管理,预防婚内性传播,同时积极开展高危行为干预措施,减少经性传播的发生。 Objective To analyze epidemiological characteristics and trends of the new reported HIV/AIDS infected people in Xincai County of Henan Province, and provide with a scientific basis for the development of AIDS prevention strategies. Methods Based on 2006 -2011 HIV / AIDS surveillance, detection data for statistical analysis. Results Be- tween 2006-2011, there were 531 cases were founded. And 118 cases were confirmed and reported HIV positive, 413 were AIDS patients. Transmission routes to enter the blood / blood products, accounting for 43.13% ; followed by heterosexual transmission (the marital sexual transmitted 131 cases, 38 cases of extra-marital sexual propagation), accounting for 31.83% ; paid blood collection and transmission accounted for 12. 24% ; mother-to-child transmission accounts for 5.08% ; homosexual transmission accounts for 0. 75% ; intravenous drug accounting for 0. 38% ; accounted for 6. 59% by other un- known. Conclusion The focus of county prevention and control of AIDS should strengthen thematic survey of blood / blood products before 1995, detection of cases in time and strengthen the single male spouse, positive women of childbearing age, widowed positive intervention management, prevention marriagesexual transmission, while active in the high-risk behavior interventions to reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2013年第8期693-695,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
基金 全球基金艾滋病综合防治项目(CHN-304-G03-H)
关键词 艾滋病病毒感染者 艾滋病病人 流行病学 趋势分析 HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Trend analysis
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