
海南省小叶买麻藤种子形态及营养成分研究 被引量:2

Morphological Characteristics and Nutrient Components of Gnetum parvifolium Seeds in Hainan Province
摘要 以海南省小叶买麻藤为研究对象,通过对不同气候条件下种子形态与营养成分的研究,发现不同地理位置和生长环境对小叶买麻藤种子各形态指标和营养成分均有显著影响。种子形态在不同地区间差异明显,而同一地区不同单株间基本一致;同一地区不同单株间总淀粉和不同地区间总糖无显著差异。含水量、总脂肪、总黄酮等各指标在不同地区及不同单株间均表现出显著性差异,脂肪含量总体较低,但含有人体必需脂肪酸。吊罗山地区小叶买麻藤种子含水量(41.20%)、总淀粉(40.85%)和总黄酮(15.07%)含量占有绝对优势,这与当地较大的降水量,适宜的温度以及优质的山地黄壤有着密切关系。小叶买麻藤种子营养丰富,但不同生长环境对种子形态及营养成分影响较大,因此进行全面系统的研究对该属植物的开发利用具有重要意义。 The morphological characteristics and nutrient components of Gnetum parvifolium seeds from three sites of Hainan province were studied in order to exploit their values of utilization. At the morphological level, the characteristics of seeds in different sites were significantly different, however, those were similar among different individual plants from the same sites; At the nutrient level, all the indications of seeds had significant differences except total sugars from three sites and total starches from different individuals; Water contents, total fats and flavone contents of seeds had obvious differences from different sites and different individual plants from the same sites. The total fats in seeds were low, but it contained the essential fatty acids for human body. Water contents (41.20%), total starches (40.85%) and flavone contents ( 15.07% ) of seeds from Diaoluoshan were significantly higher than the others, which might result from the high precipitation, mild temperature and high- quality soil. The results suggested that the seeds of G. parvifolium are rich in nutrient components, but its natural habitats have obvious effects on the morphology and nutrient components of seeds, hence, it is necessary to perform the systematic research for its exploition and utilization.
出处 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期616-622,共7页 Bulletin of Botanical Research
基金 国家林业局948项目(2012-4-43)
关键词 小叶买麻藤 形态 营养成分 黄酮 降水量 地理分布 Gnetum parvifolium morphology nutrient component flavone precipitation geographical distribution
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