对早春短命植物根系和立地条件的研究表明 :早春短命植物的根系大都分布在土壤浅层 ;4月份是其根系发育的主要阶段。生境条件对短命植物根系的分布有明显影响 ;同种植物的根系类型会随生境条件的改变而变化。土壤类型和土壤水分条件是环境因子中影响根系发育及根系类型分布的主要因素。
From studying correlation with roots of ephemerals and factors of environment, the results showed: the most roots of ephemerals don't site so deep under ground and April is the most important period for growing of roots. The factors of environment showed strong influence to scatter the type of roots. According to the difference of environment's factor, the roots of same species would be changed to different type as well. The type of soil and the water content of soil are the most important factors to influence the roots.
Arid Zone Research