我国北方槽区中二叠统的海相地层主要分布在内蒙古北部及东部、吉林中部及黑龙江省的南部等地。依据皱纹珊瑚的研究 ,中二叠世珊瑚可以识别出两个组合。早期称Tachylasma -Calo phyllum组合 ,主要是由小型、缺失鳞板的单体珊瑚分子组成 ,为冷水型珊瑚类型 ,与北方生物大区关系密切 ;晚期称Waagenophyllum -Wentzelella组合 ,以群体珊瑚为主 ,属于暖水型 ,与特提斯生物大区关系密切。因此 ,在中二叠世北方区与特提斯区的海水均侵进本区 。
The marine facies stratum of middle Permian in north China are distributed mainly in north and east part of Inner Mongolia, center Jilin and south part of Heilongjiang. According to the study of Rugosa, two coral assemblages can be recognized. The early one is Tachylasma-Calophyllum assemblage, which is composed of a kind of small size and no dissepiment cold water coral, and have closer relationship with North Biorealm. The later one is Waagenophyllum-Wentzelella assemblage, which is composed of mainly compound warm water coral and have closer relationship with Tethys Biorealm. So this area was inundated by the North Biorealm and the Tethys Biorealm’s sea water in middle Permian. The evidence from coral fossil indicates that the paleoclimate was changed from cold to warm.
Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology
博士点基金资助项目!(960 18704)