There are only three appearances d 'hfln' in the Lijl. Moreover they appear in set phrases only, not separately, i.e. as 'hflnp6' or 'hfinqi'. This fact may mean that 'hfin' alone cannot indicate any substan- tial object, such as soul. Rather, 'hfinqi' seems to represent a kind of soul in the Lijl. There are many various appearances of 'qi' in this work, of which many seems to mean the principle of life. 'Hfinqi' is an example of such usages of 'qi'. 'Po' in the Lljl has also various appearances, and sometimes is used separately, unlike ' hfin'. And it is a remarkable fact that ' 136' is not contrasted with ' hfin', but with ' qi'. From the viewpoint of contrast between ' hfln' and ' 136', we should look into the contrast between ' hfinqi' and ' xingp6' in the Lijl. This contrast corresponds to that of the heaven and the earth, and looks like a contrast between mental soul and bodily soul. A minute reading of the Li'jl leads to the conclusion that this contrast derived from that of soul and body.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences