目的 探讨小儿腹泻病细菌病原学及流行病学资料,为该病的防治提供参考。方法 对1年来儿科住院部326例腹泻病患儿进行大便镜检、细菌培养及药敏检查,并对细菌性肠炎流行病学资料进行研究。结果 细菌病原学检查阳性68例,77株.阳性率20.86%。致泻性大肠杆菌 23株.白色念珠菌 13株,普通变形杆菌12株.奇异变形杆菌10株,枸橼酸杆菌10株.铜绿假单胞菌7株.志贺氏痢疾杆菌2株。致病菌多为耐药菌株,但对丁胺卡那霉素、环丙沙星敏感率较高。在夏季发病病例、迁延性或慢性腹泻病、院内获得性腹泻病中,以及排粘浓脓血样,大便常规有红、白细胞者致病菌阳性率较高。结论对小儿腹泻病应慎用抗生素,大便为粘液脓血样.大便常规有红白细胞可作为应用抗生素的指征。有用药指征而未有药敏结果,可选用丁胺卡那霉素、环丙沙星治疗。加强病房内消毒隔离制度及夏天饮食卫生可减少细菌性肠炎发生。
Objective in order to prevent and treat children with bacteric enteritis, the pathogens and epidemiology were investigated in children with diarrheal disease. Methods The feces were carefully examined by microscope.bacte- rial culture of stool and antibiotic sensitivity test were made, epidemiology were investigated in 362 cases with diarrheal disarms during one years. Results 77strains pathogenic bacteria were found in 68 cases with diarrheal disease. The de- tectable rates of pathreenic bacteria was 20.86%.The main pathrgenic bacteria were diarrheal E. colic (23 strains), Candida albicans (13 strains). Proteus vulgaris (12 strains). Proteus mirabilis (10 strains ), Citrobncter (10 strains). Pseudomonas aeruginosa (7 strains), Shigella (2 strains). Most bacteria were resistant-drug strains, but there were higher sensitive rates to ciprofloxacine, amikacine. There were higher detectable rates of pathogenic bacte- ria in occurrence or diarrheal disease during summer. in persistent and chronic diarrheal disease. in nosocomial diarrheal disease, in patients with bloody and mucoid feces and stool examination to fine erythrocytes and leukocytes.Conelu- sions The children with diarrheal disease were treated with avoiding abusing antibiotics. Bloody and mucoid feces were indicator for application of antibiotics. While there were indicator of application of antibiotics but hadn't result, of an- tibiotic sensitivity test. children with diarrheal disease might be administrated with ciprofloxacine and amikacine. The incidence of bacteric enteritis would be reduced by strengthening work of sterilization and isolation in hospital and by- giene of foods during summer.
Hainan Medical Journal