目的 探讨骨盆骨折合并严重会阴部损伤的诊治。 方法 本组 36例 ,男 2 8例 ,女8例 ;年龄 11~ 5 5岁 ,平均 32 .8岁。救治方法除积极抢救失血性休克外 ,主要是会阴部损伤的止血 ;采取彻底清创、骶前引流、转流性结肠造瘘术 ,以防止会阴部伤口的感染。 结果 36例中死亡 5例 ,死亡原因为会阴部伤口的出血和感染。其余 31例会阴部伤口均愈合。 结论 治疗成功的关键是处理及时、正确 ;会阴部伤口彻底清创 ,放置引流管冲洗 ,果断地行转流性结肠造瘘术 ;对合并大出血休克的病人 ,在抗休克治疗同时采用填塞止血及髂内动脉的结扎与栓塞。
Objective To discuss diagnosis and treatment of pelvic fractures associated with severe perineal laceratin. Methods There were 36 cases (28 males, 8 females) aged at 11-55 years. Besides first aid to salvage hypovolumic shock, the critical management was hemostasia at the site of perineal laceration. Other methods including repeated wound debridement, front sacrum irrigation, diversion colostomy were used to prevent perineal wound infection. Results Of 36 cases, 5 were died of perineal hemorrhage and sepsis. Among other 31 cases, perineal wounds were healed. Conclusions Immediate and proper management like careful wound debridement, irrigation and immediate colostomy is critical when dealing with this type of injuries. For the patients with an associated hemorrhage and hypovolumic shock, anti-shock treatment must be along with tamping hemostasia and internal sacral arterial ligation.
Chinese Journal of Trauma