长期定位试验研究了黄土高原西部旱农区不同耕作措施(传统耕作T、免耕+秸秆覆盖NTS、免耕NT、传统耕作+秸秆翻埋TS、传统耕作+地膜覆盖TP和免耕+地膜覆盖NTP)对黄绵土土壤总有机碳和易氧化有机碳的影响。结果表明,土壤有机碳含量随土壤深度的增加而降低,10~30 cm土层土壤有机碳含量的下降较为明显,并且在0~5 cm、5~10 cm和10~30 cm土层中,均表现为由研究初期各处理相对差异较小到试验中后期各处理出现显著差异的变化。不同耕作措施下0~30 cm土壤总有机碳和易氧化有机碳在2002—2012年的平均含量均为NTS〉TS〉NTP〉NT〉T〉TP。与传统耕作相比,免耕各处理和传统耕作秸秆翻埋处理可增加1.2%~7.2%的土壤总有机碳,5.3%~16.6%的土壤易氧化有机碳含量,而传统耕作覆膜处理分别降低4.3%和2.7%。免耕和秸秆覆盖处理均有利于黄绵土土壤有机碳和易氧化有机碳的积累,免耕结合秸秆覆盖效果最佳,而多年传统耕作覆盖地膜后有机碳明显降低。免耕秸秆覆盖处理土壤总有机碳和易氧化有机碳含量平均值在2004年、2006年、2008年、2010年及2012年分别较2002年提高9.5%和42.9%、13.2%和67.6%、21.5%和71.5%、1.1%和15.9%、2.7%和12.6%。因此,在西部黄土高原黄绵土区,采用免耕结合秸秆覆盖的保护性耕作措施有利于土壤总有机碳和易氧化有机碳含量的提高,从而有利于土壤质量的持续改善。易氧化有机碳对不同耕作措施的响应比总有机碳更灵敏,可以将其作为指示黄绵土有机碳变化的早期指标。
The Loess Plateau is characterized by severe soil erosion.Soil organic carbon is an essential element of soil quality,including soil tilth,soil fertility,soil aggregate stability and soil erodability.Soil organic carbon formation,change and depletion are very slow processes.Labile fractions of soil organic carbon are more sensitive to agricultural operations than total organic carbon.Tillage is a main factor affecing soil organic carbon in agricultural soils.Although a lot of work has been done on soil organic carbon on the Loess Plateau,most have actually focused only on total organic carbon.Relatively less research has been done on changes in the fractions of soil organic carbon over the long-term in response to tillage practices.Hence in this paper,the changes in the fractions of soil organic carbon due to long-term tillage practices in loess soils were investigated.Total organic carbon(TOC) and readily oxidizable organic carbon(ROOC) of soils from a 12-year experiment with different tillage practices were analyzed in this paper.The long-term experiment was commenced in 2001 in Dingxi City,Gansu Province,which is a typical semiarid rainfed area in 1058 the western Loess Plateau.The experiment included conventional tillage(T) and 5 conservation tillage practices [no tillage with straw mulching(NTS),conventional tillage with straw incorporation(TS),no tillage(NT),no tillage with plastic film mulching(NTP) and conventional tillage with plastic film mulching(TP)].The results showed that soil TOC content decreased with increasing soil depth,and this was especially true for soil depths within 10~30 cm.At the start of the experiment,differences among treatments were insignificant for soil depths of 0~5 cm,5~10 cm and 10~30 cm.However,these differences became more significant with time.The order of the average content of TOC and ROOC in the 0~30 cm soil depth for the different treatments was NTS TS NTP NT T TP.Compare with T,the average ranges of TOC and ROOC under NT,NTS,NTP and TS inc
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
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