
GH4169合金双锥实验组织模拟与验证研究 被引量:2

Microstructure Simulation and Verification for GH4169 Alloy by Double Cone-shape Samples Deformation
摘要 建立了综合考虑变形参数、温升、冷速等交互作用的GH4169合金热变形组织演化预测模型及计算流程,同时,采用外廓尺寸约为200mm×160mm的双锥形试样为研究对象,在980,1020,1060,1120℃温度下进行锻造的组织演变模拟计算和验证实验。结果表明:采用的双锥形试样能够较好地符合零件锻造的实际状态,建立的组织预测模型是合理可行的,能够实现合金锻造过程的组织模拟。 The prediction models of microstructure evolution and calculation procedure for GH4169 al loy were established with a comprehensive consideration on the interaction of deformation parameters, increasing temperature and the cooling rate during hot deformation. Besides, a double cone sample was chosen as experimental shape, whose size was about +200mm×160mm for better reflect real situ ation that the distribution of strain, temperature, cooling rate were different in different sample loca tions. Then, the simulation and verification for microstructure evolution were carried out at the de formation temperature of 980, 1020, 1060℃ and 1120℃. The results showed that the double cone samples were in accordance with practice deformation situation. The prediction model of microstruc- ture evolution was reasonable for using and it can achieve the real microstructure results for deforma- tion.
出处 《材料工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期70-74,共5页 Journal of Materials Engineering
关键词 GH4169合金 热变形 组织演化模型 GH4169 alloy ; hot deformation prediction model of microstructure evolution
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