目的:总结分析近11年北京协和医院泌尿外科腹腔镜手术的并发症发生情况。方法:统计了2002年1月至2012年12月完成的腹腔镜手术5 386例,分别对患者的性别、年龄、手术方式、术中出血量、主要并发症、总住院天数、术后住院天数等资料进行分析。结果:本组5 386例,男2 651例,女2 735例,年龄8~86岁(平均49.0岁)。肾上腺相关手术2 411例,占44.7%;腹膜后肿瘤切除术167例,占3.1%;肾癌根治手术763例,占14.2%;肾部分切除手术441例,占8.2%;肾囊肿去顶手术784例,占14.6%;半尿路切除手术279例,占5.2%;肾盂、输尿管成形手术74例,占1.4%;前列腺癌根治手术141例,占2.6%;膀胱全切手术71例,占1.3%;其它手术255例,占4.7%。术中出血量10~3 000 mL(平均97.5 mL),术中需要输血治疗的有270例;总住院天数3~133天(平均18 d),术后住院日2~35 d(平均6.3 d)。共发生各类并发症346例(6.42%),其中腹膜损伤198例,胸膜损伤12例,皮下气肿72例,尿瘘24例,下腔静脉损伤15例,胰瘘6例,淋巴瘘10例,伤口延期愈合8例,肠瘘1例。通过年份分层分析,并发症的发生及输血情况均呈下降趋势。结论:腹腔镜手术治疗几乎涵盖了所有泌尿外科疾病,不同时期、不同手术种类并发症发生情况有差别,但一般均无重大并发症发生。随着腹腔镜技术水平的提高,并发症发生率呈下降趋势。
Objective:To analyze the complications of laparoscopic surgery for the past 11 years in the Urology Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital.Methods: The laparoscopic surgery of 5 386 cases from Jan.2002 to Dec.2012 was statistically analyzed.The patient’s gender,age,surgery mode,blood loss,complications,total length of hospital stay,postoperative hospital stay and other data were analyzed.Results: There were 5 386 cases in this group aged 8-86 years(the mean age: 49.0 years;2 651 cases were male and 2 735 female).Of all the cases,2 411 were of adrenal surgery,accoun-ting for 44.7%,167 of retroperitoneal tumor resection,accounting for 3.1%,763 of radical nephrectomy surgery,accoun-ting for 14.2%,441 of partial nephrectomy surgery,accounting for 8.2%,784 of renal cyst surgery,accounting for 14.6%;279 of semi-urinary tract resection,accounting for 5.2%;74 of renal pelvis and ureter plasty,accounting for 1.4%;141 of radical prostatectomy surgery,accounting for 2.6%,71 of cystectomy surgery,accounting for 1.3% and 255 of other surgery,accoun-ting for 4.7%.The blood loss was 10-3 000 mL(average: 97.5 mL) and the surgery requiring blood transfusion treatment involved 270 patients.The total hospital stay was 3-133 days(average: 18 days) and postoperative hospital stay was 2-35 days(average: 6.3 days).All kinds of complications occured in 346 cases(6.42%),of which 198 were of peritoneal injury,12 of pleural injury;72 of subcutaneous emphysema,24 of urinary fistula,15 of inferior vena cava injury,6 of pancreatic fistula 10,of lymphatic fistula,8 of wound delayed healing and 1 of,intestinal fistula.The incidence of the complications and blood transfusion showed a downward trend according to stratified analysis each year.Conclusion: The laparoscopic surgery coveres almost all treatment of urological diseases.The complications are different in different types of surgery at different times,but generally no serious complications occurr.The incidence of complications is in a down
Journal of Peking University:Health Sciences
Urologic surgical procedures
Postoperative complications