选择 2 0种中草药采用琼脂扩散法对新型隐球菌作抑菌试验 ,同时作 5 0 %乙醇浸提液与水溶液、药物原液与调整 PH值至 7.0药液、新鲜药液与陈旧药液对照试验 ,共筛选出对新型隐球菌具抑菌作用的药物 14种 ,其中乙醇浸液与水溶液均有效者 7种 ,上述三种对照试验药液均有效者 3种。对照试验结果表明 :15 0 %乙醇浸液具抑菌作用的药物显著多于水溶液 ,水溶液有效者 ,其乙醇液均有效 ,而乙醇液有效者 ,其水溶液不一定有作用 ;2某些药物的抑菌作用受药液 PH值的影响 ,但影响大小即是增强或是减弱则因药物种类不同而异 ;3新鲜药物具有抑菌作用者 ,其陈旧药液约半数完全失效。
The authors durgs select twenty sorts of Chinese traditional and herbal drugs , by means of agar diffusion to do bacteriostatic test on Cryptococcus neoformans and make comparisons between 50% ethanal extraction of drugs and water extraction, between criginal extraction and extraction adjusted to PH 7.0, between fresh and non-fresh extraction. Fourteen of those drugs have effect both in ethanal extraction and water extraction; three of them have effect in the three comparison test mentioned above. The test indicates: ①The bacteriostatic effect of 50% ethanal extraction is much stronger than water extraction. When the water extraction from a medicine is effective, the ethanal extraction from the same medicine is also effective. However, the ethanal extraction is effective may not mean the water extraction is effective too. ②Some medicine's bacteriostatic effect is influenced by PH of the drug solution. But whether the influence is becoming stronger of not depends on the type of the drugs. ③If the fresh medicine extraction has bacteriostatic effect, about half of the non-fresh one has no effect entirely.
Modern Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
plants medicinal effectiveness cryptococcus neoformans bacteriostatic test PH Solvent influence factor