设计了一种基于BOA Web服务器的智能家居系统,构建了硬件平台为ARMCortex-A8、操作系统为嵌入式Linux的智能家居网关;在前端采集与控制网络为Zigbee无线自组织网络的情形下,设计了Zigbee协调器与ARM间的通信协议。通过向ARM网关移植BOA服务器,在服务器上进行CGI程序及HTML网页设计,实现了远程PC机和手机对本地环境参数及家电的监控。相对于目前广泛使用的遥控终端、固定电脑终端或其它基于C/S的远程控制方案,该方案具有网关架构设计合理、数据交互协议高效、控制终端平台依赖性小、容易推广等特点,对于智能家居网关的研究有很好的借鉴价值。
The design of a smart home control system based on BOA Web Server is introduced. The home gateway is constructed with ARM Cortex-A8 as hardware platform and embedded Linux as operating system. With Zigbee wireless network as the front data collecting and home appliance control network, the data communicating protocol between the Zigbee coordinator and ARM is designed. By transplanting BOA web server to the ARM gateway, and designing CGI program and HTML web page, the remote monitor of indoor environment parameters and home on web browser terminals is realized. The function test and analysis prove it a good reference for the study of smart home gateway with the features of reasonable structure design, efficient communicating protocol, low dependency of terminal platform, and easy promotion.
Journal of Beijing Information Science and Technology University