本文分析了中专学生业余运动员 12 6例急性拉伤的临床统计资料 ,结论认为急性拉伤在田径项目中多见 ,尤以短跑发病率为最高 ;不同项目的蹬地动作所致各肌肉 (群 )的损伤发生率似有差异 ,以股肌群的拉伤较为多见 ;肌肉拉伤的主要原因为训练不足、准备活动不够和局部负担量过大 ;肌肉拉伤的预防要充分重视肌肉拉伤前僵硬和酸痛体征出现。
This paper analyzes clinic stat data of 126 cases from amateur players in middle occupational schools. The conclusions are as follows:the incidence of acute muscle pull is much more high in tract and field item, especially highest in the sprint. The incidence rates of acute muscle pull resulted by thrust against the ground in varied sports items are likely different. The pull of back femoral is more often appeared; the leading causes of incidence are lack of training, inadequation of warming-up and excessive burden on part of body; the stiffness and ache of muscle pre-incidence must be regarded fully to prevent muscle pull.
acute pull of uscle, thrust against the ground, lower limbs