Objective To explore iodine nutrition condition among local pregnancy women and reproductive aged women, and provide evidences for the prevention of iodine deficiency. Methods Totally 200 pregnant women and 201 reproductive aged women were enrolled in the su vey. The urine iodine levels of all these cases were tested by urinary arsenic iodine Ce catalytic spectrophotometry. Results The median level of urine iodine among pregnancy women (200 cases) was 194.25 μg/L. While the median level of urine iodine among reproductive aged women (201 cases) was 249.80 μg/L. There were 32 cases ( 16.0% ) with urine iodine level less than 100 μg/L among the 200 pregnancy women, and 17 cases (8.5%) with urine iodine level less than 100 μg/L among the 201 reproductive aged women. The rates of iodine deficiency between pregnancy women and reproductive aged women were statistically different ( χ^2 = 5. 317, P = 0. 021 ). Conclusion The iodine nutrition among local pregnancy women and reproductive aged women was sufficient, but a certain proportion of pregnant women were in iodine deficiency. The appropriate health education are necessary for scientifical supplement of iodine.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Pregnancy woman
Reproductive aged woman
Urine iodine