
物质流分析研究综述 被引量:8

Review on Research of Material Flow Analysis
摘要 20世纪90年代以来,物质流分析逐渐成为可持续发展和产业生态学的重要研究内容和分析工具。该文阐述了物质流分析的基本概念,根据研究对象将物质流分析划分为整体物质流分析和元素流分析。整体物质流分析主要用于评估经济系统中大宗物质的输入、输出或强度;元素流分析则主要对与环境问题息息相关或具有重要经济意义元素的流动和库存进行分析。重点综述了国内外理论研究和应用进展,进一步分析了现阶段物质流分析研究中的不足和问题,最后对物质流分析应用的前景和应用方面进行了展望。 Material Flow Analysis(MFA) has gradually become an important field of research and analysis tools for sustainable development and industrial ecology since the 1990s. The basic concept of MFA was elaborated. Bulk material flow analysis(Bulk-MFA) and substance flow analysis (SFA)are the main types of MFA. Bulk-MFA is used to evaluate the input, output or intensity of the bulk material in the economy system, while SFA is used to analyze the stocks and flows of specific substanceS, which are economically important elements or closely related to the environ- mental issues. An integrated discussion of the theoretical research and application progress of these two types was summarized both at home and abroad. Then the shortcomings and problems of MFA were evaluated objectively, and future research directions and major fields of MFA were proposed.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2013年第17期7395-7398,7403,共5页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 环保公益性行业科研专项(NO.201009037) 再生金属行业重金属污染评价与防控技术(201209014)
关键词 物质流分析 可持续发展 整体物质流分析 元素流分析 Material flow analysis Sustainable development Bulk material flow and analysis Substance flow analysis
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