
350例慢乙肝随访系统管理观察 被引量:8

350 cases of chronic hepatitis b follow-up observation system management
摘要 目的:对慢乙肝病患者进行密切的随访系统管理,为研究矿区慢乙肝患者建立健康档案;按照中华医学会颁布的《慢乙肝防治指南》进行规范的诊断及治疗,并定期开展健康宣教,指导患者合理用药及定期复查相关项目,以期缩短慢乙肝患者的平均住院日,减少住院费用,了解矿区慢乙肝患者临床转归,为矿区预防乙肝的策略提供准确的依据。方法:选择2008~2013年门诊及住院的慢乙肝病患者350例,随机分为观察组与对照组各175例,对照组病人予以常规的门诊治疗及健康宣教,观察组除常规的门诊治疗及健康宣教外,按慢乙肝病随访系统管理工作流程进行系统管理。结果:随访系统管理能有效提高病人的依从性,减少住院费用,减少肝硬化及肝癌等疾病的发生。结论:随防系统管理对提高慢性乙型肝炎病人的遵医行为及控制病情复发有重要的作用。 Objective: for the treatment of chronic hepatitis b patients with close follow-up System management,for the study of the mining area of chronic hepatitis b patients to establish health fres;Promulgated in accordance with the Chinese medical association the treatment of chronic hepatitis b prevention and control guidelines for diagnosis and treatment,and regularly carry out health education,guiding patients rational drug use,and regular review of the related project,in order to shorten the average such confinement of CHB patients, reduce hospitalization expenses, understand the mining area of chronic hepatitis b patients with clinical outcome, and provides the accurate basis for the mining area hepatitis b prevention strategies. Methods: choose 2008-2013 outpatient and hospitalization in the treatment of chronic hepatitis b patients 350 cases were randomly divided into observation group and the control group (n=175),control group patients give regular outpatient treatment and health education,observe group in addition to the conventional outpatient treatment and health education,according to the follow-up of chronic hepatitis b disease management system process management system. Results:Follow-up system management can effectively improve patient compliance, reduce hospitalization expenses, reduce the happening of the disease such as cirrhosis and liver caneer.Condusinon:Follow-up system management to improve the chronic hepatitis b patients according to the medical behavior and controlling retapse has important role.
出处 《甘肃医药》 2013年第9期664-667,共4页 Gansu Medical Journal
关键词 慢乙肝 随访系统管理 观察 the treatment of chronic hepatitis b Follow-up system management Observation
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