通过实验 ,研究了来自三种不同植物的植物凝集素 (ConA、STA和WGA)对桃蚜生长发育的影响 ,发现这三种植物凝集素对桃蚜均有一定的拒食性 ,并且对桃蚜的蜜露分泌量、平均相对生长速率以及存活率均有一定的影响 ,其中以STA的影响最为显著 ,WGA次之 。
During the experiment, we studied three plant lectins - Con A , STA and WGA, from three different plants and their effects on the growth of \%Myzus persicae\% and found that these three plant lectins all show certain anti-feeding to \% Myzus persicae\% and certain effect on \%Myzus persicae\% honey-drop, relatively average growth speed and survival rate. Among, the three plant lectins, the effect STA is the strongest and next is WGA and then is Con A.