目的了解法定传染病发生情况、构成及流行特征,为制定传染病防治对策提供科学依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法对2012年各类网络报告法定传染病疫情资料进行分类统计分析。结果 2012年共报告乙丙类传染病20种,3 412例,总发病率317.76/10万,无甲类传染病报告。传染病构成以血源及性传播传染病、呼吸道传染病为主,其中,发病率居前五位的分别是肺结核(88.47/10万)、其他感染性腹泻(65.19/10万)、病毒性肝炎(60.81/10万)、梅毒(30.92/10万)、痢疾(19.00/10万)。结论 2012年涪陵区网络报告传染病以血源及性传播传染病、呼吸道传染病为主,是今后传染病防制工作的重点。要特别加强对乙肝和肺结核的防控与管理力度。
Objective To analyze the epidemic characteristics of notifiable diseases in Fuling district, and to provide sci- entific evidence for prevention and control strategies. Methods Descriptive epidemiological analysis was conducted on data of notifiable communicable diseases collected from The Diseases Reporting Information System of Puling District in 2012. Results In 2012 ,a total of 3 412 cases within 20 categories of type B and C infectious diseases were reported in Fuling district with an incidence rate of 317.76/105, no type A communicable diseases was reported. Communicable diseases were mainly composed of the blood and sexual transmitted diseases and respiratory tract infection diseases. The top five incidence rates diseases were successively tuberculosis ( 88.47/105), infectious diarrhea ( 65.19/105 ), viral hepatitis(60.81/105), syphilis(30. 92/105) and dysentery(19.00/105). Conclusion The notifiable disease in Fuling district are dominated by blood and sexual transmitted disease and respiratory tract infection diseases, which deserves more prevention efforts. The prevention measures towards hepatitis B and tuberculosis should be further strengthened.
Occupational Health and Damage
notifiable disease
epidemiological characteristic