Flood frequency analysis procedure was performed on annual maximum discharge data of River Oshun at Iwo in Osun State, Nigeria for the period 1985 to 2002 utilizing three probability distribution models namely: Extreme EVI (value Type-l), LN (Log normal) and LPIII (Log Pearson Type III). The models were used to predict and compare corresponding flood discharge estimates at 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 years return periods. The results indicated that Extreme Value Type 1 distribution predicted discharge values ranging from 26.6 m3/s for two years to 431.8 m3/s for 200 years return periods; the Log Pearson Type III distribution predicted discharge values ranging from 127.2 m3/s for two years to 399.54 m3/s for 200 years return periods and the Log normal distribution predicted discharge values ranging from 116.2 m3/s for two years to 643.9 m3/s for 200 years return periods. From the results~ it was concluded that for lower return periods (T_〈 50 yrs) Extreme Value Type 1 and Log Pearson Type III could be used to estimate flood quantile values at the station while for higher return periods (T 〉 50 yrs) Log Normal probability distribution model which gives higher estimates could be utilized for safe design in view of the short length of discharge records used for the analysis.