蚯蚓纤溶酶(EPA)抽提液经30% ~70% 饱和度的(NH4)2SO4 盐析、DEAE—纤维素柱层析、Sephadex G-75葡聚糖凝胶过滤等纯化步骤,得到了具有纤溶活性的洗脱峰,置凝胶电泳后,得到四个活性组分,它们经50℃保温6h,活力上升64% ;在2 m ol/L盐酸胍存在时,活力仅保存7.2% ,当其浓度降低时,活力可恢复至90% ;在1% SDS存在时,活力仅保存12.1% ,但当SDS除去时,活力又可恢复。因此,盐酸胍、SDS均为EPA 可逆性抑制剂。另外,EPA 中含有较高的糖链(占总量的45% ),具有良好的抵抗自水解作用。
The fibrinolytic enzyme, earthworm plasminogen activitor (EPA) or lumbrokinase (LK), was extracted and purified form the earthworm, Eisenia foelide , by a procedure of 30~70%(NH 4) 2SO 4 precipitation, DEAE cellulose exchange chromatograph and Sephadex G 75 gel filtration. And some properties of the enzyme have been studied. EPA’s optimal reaction temperature is 50° C. And after incubating at 50° C for 6 hours, its activity was increased 64%. When the enzyme was incubated in 2mol/L GuHCl and 1% SDS, the activity was decreased to 7.2% and 12.1% respectively, and as the concentration of denaturants decreased, the activity came up again. It seems that the high content of glycosyl residues contributes to the enzyme resistance to hydrolysis.
Amino Acids & Biotic Resources