
中亚热带原生和次生湿性常绿阔叶林种子植物区系多样性比较 被引量:9

Comparison to Floristic Diversity of the Primary and SecondaryHumid Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest in Wawushan National Forest Park of the Southwestern China
摘要 对瓦屋山的湿性常绿阔叶林破坏后自然恢复的次生群落及其与原生湿性常绿阔叶林的比较研究表明 ,中山湿性常绿阔叶林砍伐破坏后在封山条件下经过 4 2年的自然恢复形成的植被 ,已经形成常绿阔叶外貌 ,其物种多样性丰富 ,区系组成已经与破坏前相似 ;湿性常绿阔叶林的典型珍稀濒危和标志种已经随森林环境的恢复而迅速回归或就地保存 ;虽然自然恢复的次生林乔木层尚存在较多落叶伴生种 ,但优势种已与破坏前相似。有力地说明了中山湿性常绿阔叶林砍伐破坏后物种自然恢复迅速、恢复效果也较好 ,暗示自然恢复是该区常绿阔叶林及其生物多样性恢复和重建的有效途径之一 ,而物种多样性的恢复可作为生态恢复效果评价的有效指标之一。 The largest area of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests distributed naturally in southern and southwestern China play an important role in biological diversity and natural environment conservation. However, human-induced disturbances in the last several decades have destroyed most of the valued vegetation. Diversity loss and environmental degradation have been a serious problem. It has been pressing and difficult work to restore and rehabilitate the evergreen broad-leaved forests. In China, although numerous studies dealing with the artificial rehabilitation have been carried out, the effect on conservation and restoration of biological diversity has been found to be ineffective due to restricted tree selection. Few studies have undertaken natural regeneration and floristic diversity restoration. The present study was conducted in the secondary and primary subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests at an altitude 1?500~1?900 m in Mt. Wawushan National Forest Park of the southwestern China. In order to assess effects of natural recovery and conservation of species diversity, we investigated the secondary and primary vegetation and comparatively analyzed their floristic composition by adopting plot survey method and specimen collection. After 42 years of natural recovery, the secondary vegetation showed complicated species diversity, common floristic characteristics, similar woody plant composition and community phsiognomy with the primary vegetation, and the rare and endangered plants in the primary broad-leaved forest had returned and were conserved successfully. This implies that natural recovery is a very effective and rapid pathway to restore the destroyed evergreen broad-leaved forest and biological diversity. Accordingly, composition and characteristics of floristic diversity could act as one effective indicator to assess and judge the effect of ecological restoration. The difference of floristic composition exiting between the primary and the secondary forest, failed to be distinguished by analysis
出处 《云南植物研究》 CSCD 2000年第4期408-418,共11页 Acta Botanica Yunnanica
基金 中国科学院成都地奥科学基金(DASF) 瓦屋山国家森林公园和中国科学院"95"重大基金资助项目(KZ951-110)共同资助
关键词 原生常绿阔叶林 次生常绿阔叶林 自然恢复 区系多样性 Subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest Natural recovery Floristic diversity Diversity loss
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