Based on the enrollment data from 2006--2011 postgranduate entrance exam by agro- specialities in Agricultural University of Hebei, the statistics reavealed that the number of the candidates from ordinary agricultural colleges to agricultural disciplines, the rate of intramural graduates applying for postgraduate entrance exam of Agricultural University of Hebei, and the ratio of interschool swap candidates accounting for the total candidates are significantly af- fected. The reasons are partly because general agricultural specialities are in lack of student re- sources and strong competitiveness in agricultural colleges, and partly because the employment pressure restricts the agricultural professional enrollment. Therefore, in order to improve the post graduate enrollment status quo in the ordinary agricultural colleges and universities, some suggestions are proposed including the perfectness of the national support policy, the ensure- ment of reinforced funds for local government, and the improvement of the school's own com- petitiveness which is the most important.
graduate student ~ enrollment ~ agricultural disciplines ~ entrance exam
ordinary ag-ricultural colleges